S01E04 "Duty of Care" - Did NZRFU care enough for recently deceased Pacific Island rugby heroes? S01E04
In this podcast, Culden Kamea asks whether New Zealand as a country and the New Zealand Rugby Football Union in particular, cared enough for their recently deceased Pacific Island rugby super heroes - Joeli Vidiri, Inga Tuigamala, Sione Luaki and the greatest All Black ever - Jonah Lomu.
#004 "Duty of Care" - Did NZRFU care enough for recently deceased Pacific Island rugby heroes? S01E04
Teivovo Rugby – The Fiji Rugby Podcast : Host Culden Kamea treats you to post-match and tournament reviews and analysis of XVs and 7s rugby games involving Fiji national teams both women and men, interviews and news.
TEIVOVOdigital marks the transition of Teivovo from its magazine roots, first published in June 1999 to the modern digital media space in 2022. For most of the past twenty years, Teivovo was Fiji’s highest selling and most widely read magazine, with over 45,000 readers per issue. Sold in over 170 outlets across mainland and rural Fiji, Teivovo was also Fiji’s most widely distributed magazine. Our last issue of Teivovo magazine was published in December 2019.
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